Here at SSA we have been collectively thinking about how we can help maximise our player’s learning. With only a maximum of 3.5 hours of contact time with our players per week, the support that parents provide in combination with our coaching is vital in maximising a child’s development both on and off the pitch. Ultimately, players play better when they feel good! Here are a few top tips that we have put together to help maximise the support/guidance given to ensure each child’s development is being optimised:
- Remember what support you liked to receive when you was a child.
- Realise that winning and losing is all part of developing your child’s game
- Development is unfortunately never linear, expect good and not so good days!
- Your child is just a child, try to not put un-needed pressure on him/her.
During training & games
- Encourage and congratulate your child when displaying correct attitudes
- Make sure you are helping your child enjoy rather than endure the game
- Focus on development over outcome football, they are children!
- Be a supporter not a critic or coach. Be as positive as possible at all times.
After training & games
- Let your child tell you how they think they played, let them take ownership of their game
- Re-visit the coaches individual targets
- Help them forget about ‘poor’ practice. It’s part of the journey, move on!!
Now we appreciate that these key points are fairly basic and you are probably looking at this like they are the norm, but repeating these habits consistently with purpose is what will create a sense of resilience and openness to learning for your child. They will understand from an early age how different experiences provide different challenges for their development, which in the long run will set them up for much more than just success in football!
Team SSA